Box of 25, (7 x 47)
This cigar provides one powerful smoke, full of earthy and oak flavors. It has a full-bodied flavor with a complex character.
At best, it’s toasty, with coffee notes and a pleasant finish. Some other tasters found it an amazing Cigar. Top of the line!
The Cuban Bolívar Cigars has a reputation among cigar aficionados of being one of the strongest and most full-bodied cigars, with its Royal Corona, Coronas Junior, Petit Coronas, and Belicosos Finos being famous examples of the marque. In 2002, when Altadis bought a controlling share in the Cuban government-owned cigar distributor, Habanos SA, a number of changes in cigar production were instituted. One of these changes was the decision to gradually turn the various brands of Cuban cigars to either all-handmade or all-machine-made lines.
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