Montecristo Open Eagle Cuban Cigar
The Montecristo Open Eagle is not just another cigar; it’s an experience worth indulging in. As one of the most revered cigars within the Cuban family, this particular stogie encapsulates the essence of a luxurious smoking experience. But what makes it so special? Read on to unravel the mystique of this Cuban delight.
1. Overview of Montecristo Open Eagle
The Montecristo Open Eagle has gained immense popularity among cigar aficionados worldwide. Introduced in 2009, this cigar comes as a part of the Open series, marking a new chapter in Cuban cigars. It offers a milder flavour profile, ideal for those moments when you want a relaxed smoke without overpowering sensations. With its geniales format, it ensures a perfect draw every time.
2. A Comprehensive Look into the Montecristo Open Eagle
Technical Sheet:
Feature | Details |
Size | 150mm |
Ring Gauge | 54 |
Wrapper | Cuban |
Flavor | Mild hints of exotic spices, wood, and coffee |
Duration | Approx. hour and a half |
3. History & Evolution
Originating from the heart of Cuba, the Montecristo Open Eagle stands as a testament to the rich legacy of Cuban cigars. The introduction of the Open series in 2009, aimed at the younger demographic, has allowed more people to experience the grandeur of Cuban cigars. This second cigar from the series boasts of Montecristo’s tradition of perfection since its inception.
4. Manufacturing Process: Why It’s Distinctive
Every Montecristo Open Eagle is crafted with precision and care. Wrapped in a smooth, silky layer with a triple cap, it promises an even burn from start to finish. The use of premium Cuban tobacco and an impeccable wrapper ensures a great draw and an enjoyable experience throughout.
5. A Deep Dive into Its Flavor Profile
Unlocking the flavors of the Open Eagle takes you on a journey of discovery. From light woodiness to undertones of spice, coffee, and nut, each puff is a revelation. As you progress from the second third to the last third, the flavors intensify, offering a balanced mix of earthy, leather, and grassy tones.
6. How Does It Compare to Other Cigars?
While there are many cigars to choose from, the Montecristo Open Eagle offers a unique balance of flavors that cater to both beginners and seasoned cigar smokers. Its milder taste, combined with hints of spice and a flawless construction, sets it apart from the robusto or even the Montecristo No.2.
7. Perfect Moments to Smoke Montecristo Open Eagle
This cigar is the ideal companion for a round of golf or during a relaxed afternoon. Its pleasant, creamy, and nutty flavors align well with the outdoors, making it the go-to choice for many during a golf tournament in Havana.
8. Accolades & Recognitions
The Montecristo Open Eagle has been celebrated at various events and has received numerous accolades. Its recognition is a testament to its quality, craftsmanship, and unmatched flavor. Check out Cigar Aficionado for more on its ratings and reviews.
9. How to Buy the Best Montecristo Open Eagle
Before making a purchase, it’s crucial to ensure authenticity. The best place to start is Habanos’ official website. Additionally, consider exploring reputable cigar shops or looking out for 20 cigars packages for the best prices.
10. User Reviews: Hear from the Community
Ready to share your Montecristo Open Eagle experience? Login or register to write a review. Get insights from fellow smokers and learn more about this cigar’s profile, rating, and additional information.
In Conclusion:
- The Montecristo Open Eagle is a celebrated Cuban cigar with a rich history and distinctive flavor.
- Perfect for both beginners and seasoned smokers, it offers a mellow yet flavorful smoke.
- Ideal for outdoor events like golf tournaments, its versatility is unmatched.
- Always buy from reputable sources to ensure authenticity and quality.
- Join the community and share your thoughts on this Cuban masterpiece.
Whether you’re looking to start your cigar journey or add to your collection, the Montecristo Open Eagle promises a smoking experience like no other. Embrace the tradition, flavor, and luxury of Cuban cigars with this unparalleled choice.